Amending Reports


You can edit and amend a report after it is finalized using the Amend command located on the application toolbar. This command is available for use after a report is finalized or when a report containing a finalized workflow is reopened.

As changes are being made to a previously finalized report, they are highlighted in red for emphasis. The tabs in the report Workspace are also highlighted if any controls within those tabs were edited.

If the Amendment control was configured for display in the report Preview, edited controls remain highlighted (in red) in the report Workspace and Preview until the report is amended. If you save changes prior to using the Amend command, the edited fields and report section tabs will remain highlighted, even if the report is closed and then reopened.

If a single field in a hemodynamics control or a data grid is amended, or if an entire row is added to or deleted from one of these controls, the entire hemodynamics control and the data grid are highlighted.


You must have the Amendment privilege to edit and amend a finalized report for a different user.


  1. Click Amend on the application toolbar.
  2. When you execute the Amend command, all highlighting is removed. The current report is updated with any changes that were made in the report Workspace. After a report is amended, the report window is closed.
  3. Optional: Click Auto Summary .
    If you try to amend a report without running an AutoSummary routine since the last edits were made to the report, you are prompted to cancel the Amend command and run Auto Summary. If you execute the Auto Summary command again, repeat step 1.
  4. If the report is configured to require credentials, enter your password in the Electronic Signature Required dialog box and click Submit.


A PDF snapshot of the report, including the amended data and amendment report signatures, is generated automatically after amending the report. Amended reports are annotated as follows:

  • An amended report is also identified by the signature line. When a report is finalized, a date/time stamp is inserted at the end of the report along with the name of the person who finalized the report. There can be one or two signature lines, depending on the number of workflows in the report definition used to create the report. Each time a report is amended, another signature line is added, indicating the date and time the report was amended and by whom. The annotation in the signature line can vary based on the read status of each workflow in a dual-workflow report definition and the assigned user role assigned.
  • If the report definition contains a single workflow that was finalized or two workflows that were both finalized, the report signature indicates Amended by followed by the user name, date, and time.
    • If the report definition contains two workflows and only one was finalized and the current user has Amendment privileges for the finalized workflow, the Revise command displays in the application toolbar.
    • If the current user has Finalize privileges for both workflows and only one workflow is finalized, the command will read Finalize/Revise. If the Revise command is selected, the report signature will indicate: Revised followed by the user name, date, and time.