Dynamic RP Comparison Options


The comparison arrangements option is configured in User Settings. Comparison arrangements allows you to display current and prior studies in the order that you want.

The comparison options are as follows:

  • Current top, Prior bottom
  • Prior top, Current bottom
  • View: Current left, Prior right
  • View: Prior left, Current right
  • Monitor: Current left, Prior right
  • Monitor: Prior left, Current right

Mixed Comparison Arrangements

When comparing studies with different comparison arrangements, Synapse determines the comparison arrangement in each step based on the following:

  • Monitor-based comparison arrangements take precedence over view-based.
  • If the current and prior have different view-based comparison arrangements, the current comparison arrangement takes precedence.


If you choose an odd numbered layout for a modality, some viewports might be blank depending on the comparison arrangement option.

Related Topics

Dynamic Reading Protocols

Configuring Dynamic Layout