Findings Controls


A Findings control contains text that is typically included in a report, such as the details of a clinical procedure, diagnostic impressions, and conclusions. Many of the Workspace tabs utilize findings controls to insert written statements or comments for a study.

You can manually enter comments or select comments from preconfigured lists of customized comments, which are specific to both the type of findings. Comments can range from a simple phrase to a complete paragraph describing certain diagnostic or procedural findings or other types of findings.

Findings Control Components


Findings controls have multiple components that you can use to enter and save comments.

The following table provides descriptions of the Findings control components. For more information, see Working with Findings Controls.



Workspace label

This label identifies the findings control name. You can display, hide, or highlight findings in the report Preview.

For more information, see Using the Workspace Shortcut Menu.



To view or close a list of Findings for the current control name (Workspace label):

  • Click Expand to view the current Findings group and display additional levels of comments.
  • Click Collapse to close the expanded list and view only the current Findings level.

Comments List

A preconfigured list of comments that is available for use in the current report. A finding control can have multiple levels or groupings of related comments; the number of groupings or levels within each list varies and is configurable.

  • To view the preconfigured comments that are available for selection using their check boxes, hover over a Finding. The Findings control comments list allows you to use placeholder fields.

For more information, see Placeholder.

Comment Editor

A text entry field where you can manually enter a new comment.

  • Click in the Add new comment text box and enter comment text.

As you enter text, SmartSelect performs a dynamic search of the database for comments with matching text. The search results provide a list of comments that match partial or complete words or phrases that can be selected.

For more information, see Search for Comments and Insert a Comment from the SmartSelect List.

Findings Grid

Selected findings are added to the Findings Grid where you can review, edit, complete, or delete them.


Each comment in the Findings Grid has a folder icon, with or without a check mark, to indicate whether the comment will automatically copy to the conclusions or not.

  • A check mark indicates the comment will automatically be copied to the Conclusions.
  • An unselected folder indicates the comment will only display in the Findings control by default.

The Workspace Summary tab contains a master Findings Grid with all of the findings that were added to the Conclusions section of the factory default report definition.


Removes a comment from the Findings Grid.


A Placeholder is an editable field that you can use within a comment to add or edit content. Placeholders use the auto-advance feature.

  • After making a selection for a placeholder in a comment, the next Placeholder's list in the comment is displayed.
  • Placeholders can be single words, phrases, or numeric data associated with a data definition in the Synapse database.
  • When initially inserted, the Placeholder displays the name of the underlying list or DataDefinition. For example, indicates that a selection needs to be made from the Imaging Type Placeholder's list.
  • Click the Placeholder list to display the list.
  • When comments with placeholders are initially selected, the placeholder that displays in the Preview will contain an Empty label, which indicates the location of the placeholder and also that the placeholder content has not yet been selected.
  • If no entry is made for a placeholder from the pick list, the Workspace displays the Placeholder's list, as shown in the example above.
  • You cannot delete a Placeholder value in Clinical Reporting Application after you select it.


Working with Findings Controls


The information in the following table describes how to work with Findings controls.

If you want to do this ...

Choose this option

Display the shortcut menu.

  • Right-click the Findings control Workspace label.
  • From the shortcut menu, select a display option for findings in the report Preview:
    • Display on Report
    • Hide from Report

Insert a finding into a report.

  • Select one of the following:
    • Select the corresponding check box in the comment tree to automatically insert a finding into the Findings Grid.
    • Use the Comment Editor to manually enter a comment into a Findings control.
  • If the current report template is configured with a predefined list of comments specific to the type of finding and the current user, the comment editor uses SmartSelect to search the database, as you enter text, for comments that have been bound to that specific Findings control.

Search for comments.

  • Use the Comment Editor to manually enter a comment into a Findings control.
    • If the current report template is configured with a predefined list of comments specific to the type of finding and the current user, the comment editor uses SmartSelect to search the database, as text is being entered, for comments that have been bound to that specific Findings control.
  • Enter portions of multiple words to search for key phrases containing each of the entered word segments.
  • Enter an alias (abbreviation) that represents multiple words or phrases, such as lv for left ventricle or left ventricular.
  • FUJIFILM Support can customize the Advanced Reporting default dictionary of aliases to include additional aliases used by your site.

Insert a comment from the SmartSelect list.

  • Enter text in the Comment Editor text box to display possible matches.
  • Use one of the following methods to select a comment:
    • Click the word or phrase, or highlight a comment.
    • Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight a comment.
  • Press Enter to add the comment to the bottom of the comments list in the Findings control.

Edit a comment.

  • Double-click a comment in the Findings Grid to open a multi-line, free-text editor with a rich text formatting toolbar.
  • Press Ctrl+Enter to place comments on a subsequent line.
  • Use the font formatting toolbar to change the font, font size, and font color and add or remove other font properties such as bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.
    • The in-line spell checker is not active when typing in the free text editor.
    • After the edits have been accepted, a misspelled or unrecognized word is highlighted.
    • For more information, see Using Spell Checker.
  • Edit a comment and then click anywhere outside the text entry box to accept the edit or press Enter.
  • Findings comments can only be edited in the report Workspace; they cannot be edited in the Preview.  
  • Double-click a finding in the Preview to switch to the Workspace.
  • Changes made to the text made in the comment editor will persist when the report is saved.
  • Note: If you double-click comment text to edit the comment in the Findings Grid, the database link to that entire comment is lost and the comment is stored as text, and you cannot query for it. When you edit an auto-generated finding, it is flagged with Delete Auto Summary . It is not removed or replaced when the AutoSummary command is rerun.

Change the order of the comments in the Findings Grid.

  • Click the comment column and drag it to the new location, to move a row.

Complete a comment using a Placeholder.

  • Click the down arrow for the Placeholder's list to display the list.
  • Make a selection from the Placeholder's list.
  • Select one or multiple options from the drop-down list to insert a word, term, or phrase into the Findings Grid and the Preview.
  • Results:
    • The comments are inserted into the placeholder in the order they were selected.
    • When multiple items are selected from a single placeholder pick list, the comment is updated with commas and conjunctions, in the Findings Grid and report Preview.
    • Placeholders can also be configured to refer to a particular data instance, such as a measured value, which can be automatically inserted into a comment.
    • If a Findings comment contains multiple placeholders, the system automatically enables the next placeholder as each preceding placeholder is completed

Include comments in Conclusions.

  • Click Conclusions to copy a comment from the Findings Grid to the Conclusions section of the report Preview.
    • When selected, a check mark displays on the folder icon.
    • As findings are marked for inclusion in their respective Findings Grid, they are added to the bottom of the conclusions Findings Grid in the order they were added.
  • To change the order of the Findings Grid and the Conclusions section of the report preview, select the comment column of the row being moved and drag it to the new location.
  • For additional information, see Conclusions.

Remove a finding from a report.

  • To delete a Finding, complete one of the following:
    • Clear the Finding check box in the Comment tree for the finding being removed.
    • Click Delete for the finding to be removed.
  • Results:
    • Using either of these deletion methods, removes the comment from the Findings Grid, the corresponding report section, and the report Preview.
    • If a report was promoted to a new tier in the workflow or was already finalized, deletions can only be made by a user with the Amendment Privilege for Clinical Reporting Application.

Remove a finding from the Conclusions Findings Grid.

  • To delete a finding from the Conclusions Grid:
    • Select the Summary tab.
    • Click Delete in the row of the Finding being removed from the Conclusions Findings Grid.
  • Results:
    • The CRA removes the findings comment from the Conclusions section of the report Preview and the Summary tab of the report Workspace only.
    • CRA does not deleted findings comment from the Findings Grid of origin or the corresponding section of the report Preview.


Auto-Generated Findings


Auto-generated findings can originate from the following Clinical Reporting Application (CRA) functions:  

  • AutoSummary
  • Report Carry Over
  • One-Click Normal
  • Macros

When findings are added to a clinical report as a result of running a predefined script, such as an AutoSummary script, these finding are handled like a manually entered Findings control. After an auto-generated findings comment has been added, you can edit it manually.

  • An auto-generated comment that was edited will not be removed or replaced if the auto-generate command originally used to insert it, is rerun. However, if the comment was deleted after being edited, the original comment is re-inserted into the Findings control, if the auto-generation routine is rerun.
  • When you delete one comment within a related group of AutoSummary comments, all of the associated comments are deleted.


Spell Check of Findings Control Comments


The CRA does not spell check auto-generated custom comments. The CRA invokes spell check when:

  • A row is added.
  • A previous comment is loaded (during a report load).
  • When a comment is added to a conclusion.