Mammography Image Grouping
For improved series management, Synapse separates and displays MG series based on DICOM header information. In some cases, mammography images are grouped into a single series.
How Synapse Groups Images
Synapse uses image information sent from the MG acquisition device to logically group the images. Even if all images are in the same series as acquired, Synapse separates the images into appropriate groups. Mammography images have a laterality of left, right, or center, and a various number of view code sequences, such as cranio-caudal (CC) or medio-lateral oblique (MLO). Synapse identifies each of the groups in a study and creates a series for the reading protocol to use.
Image Grouping and Reading Protocols
Synapse uses the results of the new image grouping for reading protocol selection. Instead of using a single series to match against a reading protocol, Synapse uses the image content of the study to match a reading protocol.
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