Reserving and Unreserving Studies


With appropriate privileges, you can reserve a study from the Unread Studies Worklist for yourself or for someone else.

  • You must have the appropriate privileges to reserve and unreserve studies. See your System Administrator for more information.
  • Studies with a status of Dictated or Finalized cannot be reserved.
  • A study can only be reserved for one user at a time.
  • You can reserve multiple studies with one action; however, the selected studies must either be all reserved or unreserved studies. You cannot reserve a mix of reserved and unreserved studies.


For Synapse 7.1 and subsequent releases, Synapse supports updating study reservations for multiple studies and all associated accession numbers returned by PowerScribe when either Reserve for Me or Reserve for Others dictation options are enabled for the datasource for the current study. The All Reservations and All Reservations Global worklists will include all of the reserved associated studies.


  1. To reserve a study from the Unread Studies Worklist or the Global Unread Studies Worklist, right-click on the preferred study and select one of the following actions:

If you want to do this...

Choose this option...

Reserve an unread study for yourself.


  • This option is inactive when you are in a Reservations Worklist, a Global Reservations Worklist, or a Reservations-based Worklist.

  • The Reservation dialog box displays in front of Synapse windows, but not in front of third-party windows.

  • Click Reserve for Me.
    • The study is reserved.
    • The reservation duration is set to the default duration of 1440 minutes.  
    • A reservation icon displays for the study on the Unread Studies Worklist or the Global Unread Studies Worklist.
      • Hover over the reservation icon to view the name of the Currently Reserved by user.
    • The reserved study displays in the All Reservations Worklist or the Global All Reservations Worklist and the study count increases by one.
      • The Assigned by, Assigned to and Resv. Creation Timestamp columns display the reservation information.

Note: This option is only available if you have appropriate permissions. See your System Administrator for more information.

Reserve an unread study for another user.

  • Click Reserve for Others. The Reservations dialog box displays.
  • The reserve default duration of 1440 minutes displays. You can change the reservation duration manually or leave it as is.
  •  Add the preferred user and click Save to reserve the study or click Cancel to close the dialog box without reserving the study.
    • The study is reserved. 
    • A reservation icon displays for the study on the Unread Studies Worklist or the Global Unread Studies Worklist.
    • The reserved study displays in the All Reservations Worklist and the study count increases by one.
    • Note:

      • The option to reserve an unready study for others is only available if you have appropriate permissions. See your System Administrator for more information.
      • The user you selected in the Assign To text box displays as the default option for the remainder of your current session.
  • Click to place your cursor in the Assign To text box and start typing or click the arrow to display the list of all users with appropriate privileges.

  1. Optional: To reserve multiple unread studies, press and hold down the CTRL button, select the studies you want to reserve, and proceed with the steps in the previous table.


The selected study is now reserved for the duration allotted in your SWAT settings. The default duration is 1440 minutes.

  • If you reserve a study for yourself, Synapse automatically assigns the default duration time.
  • If you reserve a study for another user, the default duration time displays and you have the option to modify it.

Unreserving a Study

With appropriate privileges, you can unreserve a study for yourself or for someone else from any Worklist that displays Reservations. You can unreserve multiple studies with one action; however, all the studies you select must already be reserved.

  • You must have the appropriate privileges to unreserve studies. See your System Administrator for more information.
  • This option is only active when you select a reserved study.


  1. To unreserve a study, right-click the preferred reserved study and select Unreserve.
  2. Optional: to unreserve multiple unread studies, press and hold down the CTRL button, select the studies you want to unreserve, right-click and select Unreserve.

Related Topics

Reservations Overview