Using Anywhere Series Picker Studylist


After you open the Anywhere Series Picker Studylist, you can expand, collapse, or resize it. The state of the Studylist is saved for each user.


  1. With the Viewer open, click the study icon that displays in the top left corner of each series to open the Anywhere Series Picker.
  2. Click Open Studylist or Expand to open the Anywhere Series Picker Studylist.
  • The Studylist opens above the Anywhere Series Picker displaying all of the other studies for the patient.
  • If a study includes a note, report, or document, hover over the icon to display a preview.
  • The current study is selected and highlighted.
  • You can sort, resize, reorder, and remove any of the columns except the check box column.
  1. Select study check boxes to add thumbnails to the Anywhere Series Picker or clear the check boxes to remove the thumbnails.
  2. Optional: To display or hide the Studylist in the Anywhere Series Picker:
    • Click Expand to display the Studylist.
    • Click Collapse to hide the Studylist.
  3. Optional: To resize the Studylist in the Anywhere Series Picker, click and drag the horizontal Studylist border.
  4. To add or remove comparison studies, do any of the following.

    If you want to do this...

    Choose this option...

    Select more studies for comparison and assign study icons.

    Select the check box associated with the study you want to add and click the Compare button.

    • Studies you select appear in the Anywhere Series Picker.
    • If you have the Compare option turned on, those thumbnails also display.
    • You can only compare up to six studies, however, you can add as many thumbnails as you want to the Anywhere Series Picker.

    Remove comparison studies.

    Click the Compare Off button to remove the comparison studies from the Viewer.  

    • The selected thumbnails are removed from the Anywhere Series Picker.
    • Study icons assigned to the comparison studies remain associated with the study for the remainder of the session.

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