Using Study Inventory


Clinical Reporting Application (CRA) supports the ability to import or enter study-specific inventory into a clinical report. Study Inventory includes items that might have been imported and can include inventory used during treatments on identified lesions during an angiographic procedure. Imported inventory data displays in an Inventory Grid in the Inventory tab of the factory default report definitions.

While study inventory data is typically imported from a hemodynamic system, you can use CRA to manually add inventory data if the Synapse database is configured with the Master Inventory List. You can use Configuration Manager to configure the Master Inventory List.


  1. Click GPI Inventory on the application toolbar (for a factory default report definition) to display and add inventory items to a clinical study. Inventory data displays in two lists:
    • List of Master Inventory Details: This list is comprised of all the items that were imported into the Synapse database from the site's master list using Configuration Manager. If no master list was imported, this list is blank.  
    • List of Current Study Inventory Details: This list is comprised of items that were imported from the hemodynamic system for the current study. If no inventory was imported for the current study, this list is blank.  
  2. (Optional) Right-click the list title to display a drop-down list of display options for the final clinical report. Select one of the following options.
    • Hide From Report: Excludes the entire Inventory grid.
    • Highlight/s Controls: Adds highlighting to the entire Inventory grid.
  3. Click Add New for each item being added from the List of Master Inventory Details to the List of Current Study Inventory Details.
    Study Inventory item details can include:
    • Time
    • Part Number
    • Description
    • Size
    • Manufacturer
    • Serial Number
    • Lot Number
    • Bar Code
    • Billing Code
    • Expiration Date

    The selected items are added to the Inventory Grid in the clinical report Workspace and Preview in the List of Current Study Inventory Details for the order selected. New items are added to the end of each list.
  4. Click Delete for any items you want to remove from the list. Expected Results from using Delete are:
    • The item is removed from the list and the Inventory Grid in the current report.
    • Items added to the report from the List of Master Inventory Details are only deleted from the report; the master list remains the same.
    • Items that were imported from the hemodynamic system are deleted from the report and the database.
    • Study inventory items that are deleted are removed from the report immediately and no confirmation messages display.
  5. When all of the inventory items have been added, click Close X to exit.

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