Viewing Documents in PowerJacket


PowerJacket displays documents and image files associated with the study you have open.

  • Double-click to open any of the following file types in a new window:







  • For any file types not listed above, the following prompt displays: Preview not available. Download the original file.
    • Click the download link to open the file using the application it was saved in.
    • If you do not have the required application on your computer, Synapse prompts you to save the file to your hard drive.
  • Microsoft Word (.docx) and Adobe PDF (.pdf) files can be saved or printed directly from Synapse if you have those applications installed on your computer.
  • When you open a PDF file, you have the option to open and use the PDF toolbar.
  • You can only scroll through documents attached to the study you have open.
  • Use the toolbar options in the Documents tab to print and download attachments and more.
  • Double-click an attachment to view a full size preview.
  • If configured within SWAT to retrieve documents from Synapse RIS / EIS, these documents will display in the Document pane with a "star" icon after the name. These documents cannot be renamed or deleted using the right-click menu. Also, within the separate Document pop-up window, the drop down menu to navigate to other documents will list these RIS / EIS documents with the "star" associated with the name.


  • If you have selected the Documents (display Order, if available) option in PowerJacket Settings, any Order document attached to the study automatically displays in a separate window in the First (current) Information pane when you initially open the study. See Viewing Order Documents.
  • The file name is limited to 64 characters (including the file extension) when renaming a document from the Documents tab.


  1. Select a study in PowerJacket.
  2. Click to select Documents in the Information pane of PowerJacket. If you selected Documents as your default view in PowerJacket Settings, the Documents tab is already open.
  3. Double-click the preferred document in the list to open the document in a separate new window.
  4. Select the file you want to view from the list or click any file in the list and use the left and right arrows to scroll through and preview.
  5. Optional: Click the headers to sort by Name, by Created By, or by Date Added.
  6. Select from the following options as needed from the open Document pane.



Click to move through the list of documents, going from the bottom to the top of the list. If you reach the top of the list and click again, the file at the bottom of the list displays.

Click to move through the list of documents, going from the top to the bottom of the list. If you reach the bottom of the list and click again, the file at the top of the list displays.

Click to download the file.

Click to view print options and print the attachment.

Click to magnify the size of the open file. This option is only available for the following file types: jpg, .bmp, and .png.

Click to decrease the size of the open file. This option is only available for the following file types: jpg, .bmp, and .png.

Click to rotate the open file 90 degrees to the left. This option is only available for the following file types: jpg, .bmp, and .png.

Click to rotate the open file 90 degrees to the right. This option is only available for the following file types: jpg, .bmp, and .png.