Viewing Report Impressions


Report Impression is a summary of the diagnosis given by the radiologist, at the end of the full diagnostic report. By hovering over the Reports icon in the Worklist or PowerJacket Impressions column, you can preview the contents of the Report Impression and quickly review the pertinent information of a study without having to open the full report. The Impressions column will only display information if a report exists for the study.

Use this feature in conjunction with the Reason for Exam column contents to gain a quick, high-level understanding of the study.


In PowerJacket

  1. Navigate to the Impressions column. If a Report Impression exists for the selected study, the first 30 characters of the Report Impression display.
    • If more information exists, an ellipsis (...) displays. Continue to step 2.
  2. Hover over the Report Impression to view the additional information, up to 512 characters.
  3. Optional: Click to open the Reports pane and view the full report.


The Impressions column cannot be sorted.

In the Worklist

Report Impressions are available in any study-based Worklist or any QBE Worklist based on a study Worklist.

  1. Hover over Reports in any study-based Worklist to view up to up to 512 characters of the Reports Impression.
  2. Optional: Click the Reports icon to launch PowerJacket and open the full report in the Reports pane.

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