Adding Screen Captures to a Synapse Chat Session


To provide a quick visual for clarity and understanding, you can add screen captures to a chat session.


  • You must be logged into Synapse through the Desktop Agent to use the screen capture function in the Synapse Chat Session window.
  • Your System Administrator configures Synapse to save screen captures in either PNG or JPEG format. If you use JPEG, the quality level can be specifically set. The default setting is 90.
  • Once you add a screen capture to a chat session, it cannot be modified or removed.
  • Unlike a snapshot, a screen capture simply captures a point in time and does not allow full interaction with a study.
  • If you close Synapse Chat, you can open it from the Worklist, PowerJacket, or the Viewer.


  1. Click Synapse Chat . The Synapse Chat window displays.
  2. To add a screen capture to your chat, click Synapse Chat Screen Capture to initiate the screen capture tool. Notice that your cursor changes to a +.
  3. Hold down the left-mouse button to select the screen capture. A red outline helps you see exactly what you are selecting.
  4. Click Accept to add the screen capture to your chat session.
  5. Optional: Click Refresh to clear your selection and begin again.
  6. Optional: Click Cancel to cancel the screen capture, close the screen capture tool, and return to the active chat window.


To display the screen capture toolbar directly above your selection, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click Desktop agent and select Settings.
  2. Click to open the Screen Capture tab.
  3. Click to select the Move Tool Box after Selection check box.


  • The screen capture is now part of the chat thread.
  • To preview the screen capture within your live Synapse Chat session, hover your mouse over the screen capture for two seconds.
    • The screen capture preview displays until you move your mouse outside the preview area.
    • If the viewport is too small, the thumbnail preview in Chat might not display the annotation measurements.

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Synapse Chat Overview