Creating and Using Collections Folders


You can create Collections folders to provide a location in which to group quick references to Snapshots or specific studies. Without relocating actual data, Collections folders provide quick access to specific information that you set aside for a specific reason. Examples of collections are: teaching files, legal cases, conference studies, or even studies that require additional follow-up.


Removing items from a Collections folder does not remove or delete the items from the database. When you remove studies or Snapshots from a Collections folder or delete an entire Collections folder, the studies or Snapshots still exist in the All Studies Worklist.

Collection folders, including nested folders, are always sorted alphabetically. To force Collections folders to display in a specific order, prepend a number to the folder name.

The Collections folder that you create:

  • Is only visible to you
  • Can be renamed and deleted
  • Contents can be moved from one Collections folder to another
  • Consistent with the Worklist and PowerJacket, Collections folders display the Lock (concurrency) icon to indicate one of the following:
    • Other users with dictation privileges currently have the unread study open.
    • A user with Advanced Reporting (AR) privileges has the study open and the AR procedure report locked.


    When you attempt to save an annotation for a locked AR study, or another user has saved an annotation (for that study) since you loaded the AR study, a message displays stating that Synapse did not save the annotation.

My Collection Folder

In addition to the Collections folders you create, Synapse provides a default folder labeled as My Collection. You can add and delete contents from this folder, but unlike the Collections folders you create, this default folder cannot be renamed or deleted.


If you created and populated User folders using Synapse 4.x and have migrated from Synapse 4.x to Synapse, the image and study shortcuts in your User folders are now available in private Collections folders.


  1. Right-click on the Collections header in the Worklists pane and select New. The New Collection dialog box displays.
  2. Optional: Right-click in any empty area under the Collections heading in the Worklists pane and select New. The New Collection dialog box displays.
  3. Enter a name for the Collection folder in the Name text field.
  4. Click Save.

Nesting Your Collections Folders

You can easily find what you are looking for in the Worklist panel by nesting your Collections folders and displaying them all. Use this feature to streamline your workflow with quicker access to the information you need.

  • Right-click to copy and paste a Collections folder under an existing Collections folder.
  • You can add up to five levels of nested Collections folders under any parent Collections folder.
  • The Collections folder's owner's name displays on parent folders that have been made public.
  • Nested folders are public or private based on parent folder permissions.
  • If you migrate conference and nested folders from Synapse 4.x to Synapse, all of the migrated folders display at the same level. In this case, you will need to re-nest any Collections folders that were previously displayed under a parent folder.


You can set the Worklists panel to display any of your Worklists and Collections in expanded or collapsed view. Synapse automatically saves your display options so that when you refresh the Worklist or close your session, the Worklist panel display remains the same until you choose to change it.


The Collections folder is now available in the Worklist pane.  If you add Snapshots to a Collections folder from a remote Synapse datasource, the following columns are intentionally left unpopulated, to ensure optimum performance:

  • Document Icon
  • Complete Time
  • Image Count
  • Last Modified Timestamp
  • Last Viewed Time
  • Note Icon
  • Priority
  • Report Icon
  • Reservation Indicator
  • Snapshot Icon
  • Study Lock Icon
  • Study Status

Related Topics

Adding Studies and Snapshots to a Collections Folder

Sharing Collections