Editing Related Procedure Codes


The procedures that you consider to be most helpful when performing comparisons might be different from those set up by your System Administrator, or you might be responsible for defining the procedure codes you use.

The ability to edit related procedure codes allows you add or remove procedure codes that appear as related for automatic comparison and PowerJacket grouping purposes. Additions or deletions you make to related procedure codes:

  • Are only available to you and do not affect the site list of related comparison procedures
  • Apply to all of your future studies

Adding Related Procedure Codes

With PowerJacket open and the Related Procedure grouping option selected, relevant studies display together at the top of the list. Studies that are less relevant display below the black line labeled Other, at the bottom of the list. Identify the study that includes the procedure code that you would like to group with the procedure code of the current study.


  1. Click the Grouping drop-down list and select Related Procedures. (The Grouping feature is located in PowerJacket on the Studylist toolbar.)

  1. Select a study that displays below the black line labeled Other with the procedure code that you want to relate to the current study's procedure code.
  2. Right-click the selected study and select Add as Related Procedure.


The procedure code or codes you identified in step 2 will be related to the procedure code of the current study for all patients going forward with exams that have that same procedure code.

Removing Related Procedure Codes

With PowerJacket open, the more relevant studies display together at the top of the list. Identify the study that is grouped by a procedure code that you no longer want to identify as related to procedure code in the initial study.


  1. Click the Grouping drop-down list and select Related Procedures.
  2. Select a study from the group of related procedures, right-click and select Remove as Related Procedure.


The procedure code or codes you identified in step 2 will be no longer related to the procedure code of the current study for all patients going forward with that same study.

Related Topics

Grouping Studies in PowerJacket