Images Viewed Alert Overview


If you select the Show Alert when All Images are Not Viewed option for the currently displayed modality in the User Settings, the All Images in the study have not been viewed alert displays at the bottom of the Series Selection Menu (SSM). See Configuring Workflow Settings.

  • When you press F8 before you have reviewed all the images in a study, Synapse automatically displays the SSM with the alert, along with Close and Mark Dictate buttons.
  • When you navigate to the last step in a Reading Protocol before you have reviewed all the images in a study, Synapse automatically displays the SSM with the alert, along with Close and Loop Back buttons.

SSM Example

When you press F8 before you have reviewed all the images in a study, two buttons display under the alert:

  • Close: Closes the SSM.
  • Mark Dictate: Marks the study as Dictated.

When you navigate to the last step in a Reading Protocol before you have reviewed all the images in a study, two buttons display under the alert:

  • Close:Closes the SSM.
  • Loop Back: Displays the first step in the Reading Protocol.

Related Topics

Configuring Workflow Settings

Using Series Selection Menu