Managing Reports


Clinical Reporting Application (CRA) incorporates the use of tiers to define the status of a report within the creation and review process. Examples of tiers include Unread, Preliminary, and Final. The promotion of a report to a subsequent tier indicates that a report contributor has completed work on the report and the report is ready for the next contributor.

During the site configuration of Advanced Reporting, user roles are assigned to specific workflow tiers and macros, which define the reporting functions each user role is able to perform. 

For example, if you are assigned a user role of Cath Prelim I, you have privileges to create a preliminary report, save the report, and promote an unread report to the Preliminary tier in the default Cardiac Cath report definitions.



Improper assignment of user roles might result in the unintended activation of the Promote and Save commands. Care should be used when configuring user roles in Synapse to ensure that a user is not assigned roles with conflicting privileges. For example, a user whose role is to promote a report to the preliminary tier, should only be assigned that role and should not also be assigned a role that allows promotion to a subsequent tier.

Promoting a Report


Reports are promoted using the Promote command on the application toolbar. The Promote command is only available if you have report promotion privileges. The Promote command is not available if you do not have report finalizing privileges, because finalizing a report inherently promotes it. The available options for the Promote command are specific to your assigned user role and workflow tier.

The Promote command label can vary based on the following system configuration assignments:

Configuration Assignment



User Role

The Promote command menu only displays options for promoting a report to the highest tier supported by your assigned user role.

  • If a user is assigned the factory default Cath Prelim II role report definition, that role can only promote a report to the Preliminary tier.

  • The Promote command menu only includes the options for promoting the report to the Preliminary tier.

Tier Properties

  • Tiers can be uniquely named using the button text configurable property. This is the name designated for the Promote command displayed in the application toolbar.

  • If multiple roles are specified for an event defined in a tier, a user from each of the designated user roles must promote the report.

  • If a dual workflow report definition has a Diagnostic workflow and an Interventional workflow, different users must promote each workflow separately, unless a user has dual user roles assigned to their accounts or the user role that is assigned has been designated in each workflow.

  • For factory default report definitions that have a Diagnostic workflow and an Interventional workflow, the Cath Prelim II user role can promote a report to the Preliminary tier in both workflows. The workflow list reflects the current user role privileges.

The following steps provide an example of how to promote a report using a dual workflow scenario.


  1. Click Promote on the application toolbar to promote a report to a subsequent tier in the workflow. The Promote to Preliminary drop-down list displays.
  2. Select one of the promote options:
    • Interventional Workflow
    • Diagnostic Workflow
    • Promote Both
  3. (Optional) Run Auto Summary. If you attempt to promote a report without having run an AutoSummary routine since the last edits were made to the report, you can cancel the Promote command and run Auto Summary. If you run Auto Summary, you will need to repeat step 1.


In this instance, you can promote the report in either workflow individually or both simultaneously. If the report was promoted to the Preliminary tier in the Diagnostic Workflow only, the next time you execute Promote, the associated menu will provide an option for promoting the report in the only remaining workflow, Interventional Workflow.

After you execute Promote, the report is saved and promoted to the next tier defined for the current report definition workflow and user role. The report window is closed. You are always given the option of saving a report without promoting it to the next tier using the Save command.

See Finalizing Reports.



Viewing Reports after Promoting a Report


After you have promoted a report to the next tier, you can only open that report in read-only mode. Although you can save and edit a report multiple times as needed before promoting it, after it has been promoted it is only available to view and not edit. The workflow status indicators show the report has been promoted to the Preliminary tier and the control for promoting it again is not available.


Finalizing Reports


Reports are finalized using the Finalize command on the application toolbar. Finalize is only available if you have report finalize privileges.


You cannot finalize a report if the report contains empty placeholders. See Placeholder.

If dual signatures are required for report finalization, a signer with the appropriate user role for each workflow or a signer that has both user roles configured for their account can finalize the report.

The following steps provide an example of how to finalize a report using a dual workflow scenario.


  1. Select Finalize on the application toolbar to promote a report to a subsequent tier in the workflow.
  2. If configured with dual workflow, select one of the Finalize drop-down list options, for example:
    • Interventional Workflow
    • Diagnostic Workflow
    • Finalize Both
  3. (Optional) Run Auto Summary. If you attempt to Finalize a report without having run an Auto Summary routine since the last edits were made to the report, you are prompted and given a chance to cancel Finalize and run Auto Summary. If you execute Auto Summary again, you will need to repeat step 1.
  4. If the report is configured to require credentials, enter your password in the Electronic Signature Required dialog box and click Submit.


After your credentials are authenticated, the report is marked as being finalized. Selecting an item from the Finalize drop-down list saves and finalizes the report or the applicable workflow for a multi-workflow report definition, and then closes the report window.

If you are assigned a user role that allows the finalizing of both workflows of a multi-workflow report, but you are only finalizing one of the workflows, the next time you access that report, Finalize/Revise displays. You can finalize the remaining workflow or revise the previously finalized workflow.


Saving a Report


Clinical reports and individual workflows can be saved by selecting Save on the application toolbar. While Promote and Finalize automatically save a report at its current state when invoked, Clinical Reporting Application also supports the ability to save a report at its current state without promoting or finalizing it.

This command is available if you are assigned a user role that supports the promotion of reports or workflows within the current or subsequent tiers.

For example, within the factory default workflows, the Cath Prelim I user role can save a report that is in an Unread tier. After the report is promoted to Preliminary, the Cath Prelim I user role no longer has the option to edit or promote a report because it has already been promoted to the Preliminary tier. Save is only used to save the report and leaves the report at the current tier with the report window open for additional changes.

After changes to a report have been saved, they are permanent for that study. If any data, including data that is imported from a hemodynamic system is deleted and the report then saved, that data is permanently deleted from the study.


  • Click Save on the application toolbar to save a report.


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Reporting Workflows