Opening a Series in Series Viewer


Use the Series Viewer to display one or more thumbnail series as DICOM series in separate stand-alone windows. Open up to five Series Viewers simultaneously. Using the Series Viewer, you can:

  • Resize and move the window.


  • When you open, close, and then re-open the Series Viewer window, the initial window position does not persist. The position of the Series Viewer window shifts slightly, each time you re-open it.
  • When you open a study on a different workstation, Synapse does not resume the last position, size, and tile mode in a Series Viewer.
  • Use the context menu or icon menu options.


If you bookmark an image in the Series Viewer, you must refresh the Viewer for the bookmark to be available.


  1. Click a thumbnail in the Series Picker, PowerJacket, or Worklist.
  2. Double-click the series thumbnail to open the series in the Series Viewer.
  3. Optional: Repeat the previous step to open additional series in the Series Viewer.


The DICOM series opens in the Series Viewer.

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Series Picker Overview

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