Manually Selecting Comparisons in PowerJacket


You have the option to select and display comparison studies belonging to the same patient when displaying a current study in PowerJacket.

  • When displaying studies for comparison, the current study displays in the Studylist with bold, italicized font.
  • In addition to displaying in the view or pane in PowerJacket, the current and comparison study icons display in the Viewer and in the Studylist next to the Series Picker, so that it is easy to distinguish between current and prior studies. Both the current and comparison studies display study symbols to distinguish between current and prior studies. See Study Icons.


  1. Click to select a study from the Worklist and use the right-click menu, or double-click a study to open the study in PowerJacket. The study displays the current study icon in PowerJacket.
  2. Select one study for comparison or press CTRL + click to select multiple studies from PowerJacket Studylist.
  3. Click Compare.
    • The current study displays the current study icon.
    • The comparison studies display icons that designate the order of comparison. Synapse organizes multiple comparisons based on the order in which you selected them and displays P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 study indicators as needed.


If you click Compare off and leave PowerJacket open, the study icons remain visible, but the prior study indicators are removed.

  1. To remove all comparison icons and start over, click Compare off and close the current study.
    • If you reopen a study using a Snapshot that displays comparison icons, all comparison icons display, but the study indicators (P1 - P6) no longer display.
    • The Viewer does not need to be open to compare studies.


Study icons that are assigned to current and prior studies persist while you view a particular patient; however, study indicators (such as P1, P2, P3) can change when you add or remove comparison studies.

Related Topics

What Study Icons Indicate

Study Icons

How Synapse Defines Prior Studies

Configuring Auto Compare