Performing Strain Analysis


When you start Strain Analysis, Synapse loads the Epsilon ZF tool (ZF) tool to an iFrame in the current viewport where you can perform a new analysis or modify an existing analysis.

Synapse allows you to launch two ZF tools at one time. If you attempt to start a third ZF tool or load the same image in different viewports, Synapse displays a message. Additionally, you cannot simultaneously load an image in the Viewer and in the ZF tool.


To launch the Epsilon ZF tool, you must have a licensed version of the Epsilon EchoInsight Zero Footprint software deployed and configured.

About this Task

When Epsilon is fully enabled and configured, you can start Strain Analysis from the List context or Icon menu and launch the ZF tool. The ZF tool locks the image so that it cannot be processed elsewhere. If the image is locked by another process, Synapse displays a message.

  • If the image is labeled with the correct view, Synapse loads the ZF tool in the viewport.
  • If the image is not labeled with a view, Synapse prompts the User to label the image view before loading the ZF tool in the viewport.

The ZF tool unlocks the image when the analysis is complete and the tool is closed to allow reprocessing of the image at a later time.


When you perform strain analysis on an image, if you attempt to perform another type of strain analysis on the same image, the first is replaced for the image.


  1. Open an echocardiography study from the Worklist.
  2. To start Strain Analysis and launch the ZF tool, select one of the following options:



    Use the List context menu.

    • Right-click the image to display a context menu.
    • Select Annotations > Strain Analysis.
    • If the image is not labeled, select an image view from the Image View list as described in step 3.

    Use the Icon menu.

    Right-click the image and select the Strain Analysis icon.

    If the image is not labeled, select an image view from the Image View list as described in step 3.

  3. To label an image, select an image view from the list:
      • Apical 4C (AP4)
      • Apical 2C (AP2)
      • Apical LAX (AP3)
      • Apical 4C RV-Focused (RV)
      • Parasternal SAX

    After you label the image, Synapse automatically launches the ZF tool in the current viewport. The Image View label displays in the upper-right corner of the viewport.

  4. Complete a strain analysis using the ZF tool. When the strain analysis changes are complete and you have exited the ZF tool, the results are sent back to Synapse as annotations and DICOM Secondary Capture (SC) clips which can then be displayed in Synapse.
  5. To refresh the Viewer, click the Arrival Notification icon and then click Refresh. The imported DICOM SC clips are now available in the Series Picker. The Current Study icon displays in the Viewer.

  6. Optional: View and make changes as needed in the AR Report. See Creating and Editing a Report.
  7. Do any of the following:
    • Make adjustments to annotations in the original image in the current viewport.
    • Save the changes in Synapse, by selecting:
      • Save Study Annotations from the List context menu to retain any changes made in the viewport.
      • Save on the Clinical Reporting Application bar to retain any changes made in the CRA Workspace.
  8.  Optional: To relabel an image, complete the following steps:
    • Click the Image View label overlay.
    • Select a different image view from the list.
  9. Optional: To add images to the Clinical Images tab of the AR report, right-click an image and select Export/Print > Send to Report from the context menu. See Sending a Key Image to a Report.

Additional Information

For detailed information about how to use the application, see Epsilon documentation on the Epsilon Imaging website.

Related Topics

Strain Analysis Overview