Series Standardization


Synapse uses the DICOM Series Description and the related Synapse Series Standards to determine the Same Series matching reading protocol and what displays in the series content of each viewport.

Auto Series Standard Feature

The auto series standard feature resolves most differences between series descriptions that are due to the naming conventions of different acquisition devices. Synapse supplies synonym values in a default configuration file that a System Administrator can utilize and update.  For example, the default configuration file includes a synonym group named AXIAL that might include the following words:  

  • AX
  • AXE
  • AXI
  • TRA  

These words are treated as synonyms when they display in any series description.

Normalizing Series Descriptions 

Synapse normalizes series descriptions received from any modality by doing the following:

  • Treats upper and lower case the same
  • Removes extra spacing with only one space between words
  • Treats an underscore character the same as a space character
  • Ignores word order

These factors allow two different series descriptions, such as Ax head and Head axial to be treated as the same series automatically, without creating a mapped standard. If a mapping is not found, Synapse uses the automatic standards.  


MG studies do not use series standardization.

DICOM Series Mapping

The DICOM series mapping capability can be used when the auto series standards do not match equivalent series. With this approach, multiple DICOM series description values can be mapped to an equivalent standard series description. The mapping can be created at one of three different levels to control what studies use the mapping.

Series standardization evaluates the following values for a match in the following order:

  1. Procedure Code
  2. Modality
  3. Global

When a System Administrator creates a series standard mapping, Synapse displays the series standard description instead of the DICOM series description in the following areas of the Viewer:

  • Text overlays
  • Series Picker
  • Series selection menu

Your System Administrator configures series standardization mapping and auto series standard synonyms. See your System Administrator for more information.

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