Using the Study Date Time Field
The Study Date Time field is one of many Date Time fields you define when creating a QBE Worklist, or when you are searching for specific information. The calendar selector within the Date Time field enables you to quickly select date ranges.
Note: |
The format supported for use in the Date Time fields throughout Synapse is based on your localization selection. See General User Settings. |
Use any of the following options to define the Date Time range that best suits your needs:
- Today
- By set number of days
- By date range
- Single date
- With the Worklist of your choice open, place your cursor into a Date Time field and click to open the calendar control. Do one of the following:
If you want to do this... |
Choose this option... |
Display studies with today's date only. |
Display studies modified or created within the number of days you specify (up to a maximum of 999 days). |
Display studies modified or created within a specific date range. |
Display studies modified and created on a specific date. |
The Date Time range you defined is now part of the QBE search or QBE Worklist you created.