Active Overlays for IntelliScroll
The IntelliScroll active overlay is a toggle that allows you to change
the state for IntelliScroll. The states are auto link, delta link, and
- Right-click the active overlay to
access a specialized context menu.
- Linked series groups have a number
associated with that group; see Enabling IntelliScroll .
| None: ON - Indicates that the series is not
linked but IntelliScroll is enabled.
| Auto Link: ON - Series with the same FOR and orientation
scroll together automatically.
| Delta Link: ON - Scrolls independently of other series.
- However, if you scroll an auto link
series, the delta link series scrolls by the same relative
amount using an established image offset.
- If you have multiple series where
the anatomy is not lined up, use this option to manually line
up the series.
| None: OFF - Indicates that the series is not
linked and IntelliScroll is not enabled.
| Auto Link: OFF - Indicates that the series with the
same FOR are linked but IntelliScroll is not enabled.
| Delta Link: OFF - Indicates that delta link is on
but IntelliScroll is not enabled.
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