MG CAD SR Overview


Synapse supports the following vendors and models for MG CAD:

  • iCAD
  • Hologic or R2
  • Screenpoint
  • VuCOMP

Display of Findings

The display of findings depends on the rendering intent specified in the SR for each finding. Only those findings for which either the presentation is required or optional will display. If the rendering intent indicates Not for Presentation, then the findings will not display.

If Synapse encounters an SR from an unsupported vendor, the CAD SR is ignored and all CAD operations are disabled. A message displays, indicating that the CAD vendor is not supported. SRs can contain composite features and single image findings, such as:

  • Breast geometry
  • Nipple
  • Calcification cluster
  • Breast density

Only the density and calcification cluster findings from the SR display. The following strings identify possible outcomes for the study CAD findings summary.



Study: CAD status unknown with findings

Displays when there is a problem with the SR, which is rare.

Study: CAD SR Object not available

Appears when there is no CAD SR associated with the MG study.

Study:CAD failed

Reported in the SR.

Study: CAD partial succ/no findings

Reported in the SR.

Study:CAD partial succ with findings

Reported in the SR.

Study:CAD succ with no findings

Reported in the SR.

Study:CAD succ with findings

Reported in the SR.

Study: Vendor not supported


When you display CAD findings for an image, an image CAD summary appears in the text overlay replacing the study CAD finding summary. The image CAD summary can be one of the following strings.



Image: CAD succ with no findings

Appears if none of the findings are detected without regard to the algorithm's complete or partial success.

Image: CAD succ with findings

Appears if any of the findings are detected without regard to the algorithm's complete or partial success.

Display Markers per Vendor

iCAD Markers

iCAD markers are drawn using a white line accented with a black shadow. The black shadow line is offset from the white line by one pixel in the horizontal and vertical directions. For iCAD, a circle indicates densities, and a square indicates calcification clusters.

VuCOMP Markers

VuCOMP mass findings display with a solid white line, and calcification cluster findings display with a decorated or patterned polygon. A findings display depends on the rendering intent specified in the SR for each finding. If the rendering intent indicates Not for Presentation, the findings do not display.

Hologic or R2

A triangle shaped marker displays when the CAD specifies a calcification cluster.

An icon displaying an x through a vertical bar indicates densities.

A cross-shaped marker displays when the CAD specifies a composite mass and calcification findings.

Related Topics

Opening a Breast Density Report

Using the DICOM SR/PDF Viewer

Viewing Reports in the Viewer

Fujifilm CAD Support