Missing Series Overview


A missing series occurs when a reading protocol expects a series that is not present in an opened study.

DICOM Reading Protocols

When the defined DICOM properties do not match a series, Synapse displays blank viewports and the following information:

  • Study Reference (current)
  • Defined DICOM properties, such as:
    • Image Type
    • Image Orientation
    • Contrast
    • Stage number
    • View Number
    • Frames
    • Series Contains
    • Series Does Not Contain

Series-Based Reading Protocols

Series-based reading protocols are legacy reading protocols (4.x) or MG reading protocols.

When Synapse uses a series-based reading protocol to display a study and there are one or more missing series, Synapse displays a Series Not Found : <expected series name> message in the missing series viewport.

Adding a Series to a Missing Series Viewport

You can add a series to the viewport with a missing series message in the following ways:

  • Use the Series Selection menu (SSM): right-click inside the viewport with the missing series information to view the SSM options.
  • Drag a series thumbnail to a viewport.
  • Drag a series from one viewport to another viewport.

You cannot drag the missing series message to another viewport.

Related Topics

Extra Series Overview

Using Series Selection Menu