Using the Viewer to Create DICOM RP Rule Cards


You can create a new DICOM reading protocol (RP) rule card from an existing rule card by selecting a series from one of the following locations:  

  • Series Picker toolbar
  • Anywhere Series Picker
  • Worklist Series Picker
  • PowerJacket Series Picker
  • All Thumbnails View

Synapse provides two methods for creating a new rule card in the Viewer using the Update Viewport Rules context menu. You can either drag and hold a series into a viewport or use the Series Selection Menu (SSM) to display the context menu options:

  • Copy
  • Update Viewport Rules
  • Fusion

Task Considerations

The Update Viewport Rules context menu options do not support:  

  • MG series
  • Dragging and dropping between viewports
  • Dragging and dropping a Non-DICOM series (SR/PDF)
  • Dragging and dropping a prior study into a reading protocol that is not built for priors

If the original reading protocol is one of the following RP types, when you select the series and an Update Viewport Rules option. Synapse creates a new DICOM RP rule and the Save Reading Protocol dialog box displays, where you can edit the rule card:

  • Indexed-based
  • Dynamic
  • Same Series RP from 4.X
  • System

If a rule is duplicated, a message displays informing you that a duplicate rule already exists, and the Update View Rules option you selected does not complete.


You must have the Manage Reading Protocols privilege to create a new DICOM reading protocol rule card.


  1. To display the Update Viewport Rule context menu, do one of the following:
    • Drag and hold a series into a viewport.
    • Hover over the Series Description active overlay to display the SSM and click the Update Viewport Rules icon.
  2. Complete the applicable Update Viewport Rule options.

    If you want to do this...

    Complete these steps...

    Copy a series into a viewport.

    • Select Copy.


    Add an additional rule card to a viewport for the reading protocol and save the new card.

    • Select Update Viewport Rules to add a new rule card to the viewport, which can then be edited and saved.

    Note: If the original reading protocol is listed in the Task Considerations section, the Save Reading Protocol dialog box displays. Refer to Step 3 for instructions.

    Create a fusion viewport.

    • Select Fusion to superimpose the selected series with the viewport series to create a special view.

    Note: This option only applies to volumizable series that support fusion. If it is not supported, this option is grayed out. See Applying Fusion to Series and Fusion Overview.

  1. Optional: Select Save New Reading Protocol to create a new rule card. The Save Reading Protocol dialog box opens, where you can edit the new rule card and save it exactly as it displays in the Viewer.
    1. Edit any of the following fields:
      • Name
      • Description
      • Procedure description
      • Procedure Code
    2. Click Save to apply your changes.


      Any changes made to a new rule card are independent of other cards.

    3. Optional: Click Edit to open the Reading Protocol Editor where you can make additional property changes to the reading protocol rule card.


      PENDING displays in the title bar of a new rule card until you save. For more information, see Using the RPE to Create DICOM RP Rule Cards.

    4. Select Cancel to exit the Save Protocol dialog box without making any changes.
  2. Optional: Select Edit Reading Protocol to open the Reading Protocol Editor where you can make changes to the reading protocol rule card.


    PENDING displays in the title bar of a new rule card until you save.


When you select the Update Viewport Rules option, a new rule card is automatically added to the viewport and saved. A viewport can have a maximum of six rule cards. Synapse saves new rule cards in the order they are added to the viewport.

If you open a study that does not match a series for any of the rule cards, Synapse displays a Missing Series alert in the viewport and the rules pertaining to that series are also listed.

If you change the layout while in Edit mode and you select a series that has multiple rules, the original rules display in the updated viewport.

Related Topics

Creating Additional DICOM RP Rule Cards