Exporting Key AI Images
Synapse provides the option to export findings to a third-party reporting system as a key image. Referring physicians can view the image as part of a report. See Viewing AI Findings in the Viewer.
Note: |
Key images can be exported to PowerScribe, however, the export of Thinklog record findings to PowerScribe is not supported. |
- If the study has more than one AI finding image, the number of AI finding images you export is determined by the information that the AI icon displays.
- To export all AI finding images to the report, toggle the AI icon to ALL.
- To export one specific AI finding image, toggle the AI icon until it displays that AI finding. In this example, the first of four AI finding images will export to the report.
- Select one of the following methods to export the AI image or images to the report:
- Right-click the image, select Export/Print and then select Export Key Image.
- Press F6.
- Click the Send to Report icon located in the Link-Zoom-Pan Interactive Overlays area located in the bottom-left corner of the Viewer.
The selected AI image or images are exported to the report.