Studylist Overview
The Studylist displays along with the Series Picker and allows you to change the series thumbnails displayed in the Series Picker, and to compare studies or deactivate a comparison.
For more information on the icons that display in the Studylist, see Study Icons.
Note: |
Changes made in the Studylist and the accompanying Series Picker will also reflect in the Anywhere Series Picker. |
Studylist Toolbar
Icon |
Description |
Series Picker Gripper
Allows you to drag and dock the Studylist and Series Picker to the right, left, bottom, or top of the window. Note:
Auto hide Series Picker
Allows you to autohide the Studylist and Series Picker. When you enable this option, the Studylist and Series Picker are hidden until you hover over the area designated by the bar and arrow. Note:
Expands or collapses the Studylist:
Provides the ability to reorder studies, grouping the more relevant studies together at the top of the list. See Grouping Studies in PowerJacket for specific grouping options. |
Opens the current study and all selected priors in the Viewer. |
Compare Off
Removes all comparison studies from the Viewer. |
Using the Studylist
You can expand, collapse, or resize the Studylist. The state of the Studylist is saved for each user.
- Open a study in the Viewer.
- The Studylist displays to the left of the Series Picker, displaying all of the studies for the patient.
- If a study includes a note, report, or document, hover over the icon to display a preview.
- The current study is selected and highlighted.
- You can sort, resize, and reorder any of the columns except the check box column.
- You can hide any of the columns except the check box, Source, and Match columns.
- Select study check boxes to add thumbnails to the Series
Picker or clear the check boxes to remove the thumbnails.
Selecting the studies in the Studylist adds thumbnails to the Series Picker, but does not add the studies to the Viewer. This allows you a quick view of the images comprising each study. - To add all selected studies to the Viewer, click the Compare button.
- To add a specific series to the Viewer, drag and drop the thumbnail from the Series Picker to the Viewer.
- Optional: To display or hide the Studylist, click the arrow between the Studylist and Series Picker.
- Optional: To resize the Studylist in the Anywhere Series Picker, click and drag the Studylist border adjacent to the series thumbnails.
- To add or remove comparison studies, do any of the following.
If you want to do this...
Choose this option...
Select more studies for comparison and assign study icons.
Select the check box associated with the study you want to add and click the Compare button.
- Series thumbnails for studies you select appear in the Series Picker.
- Selected studies immediately display in the Viewer or become readily available for display as part of the reading protocol.
- You can compare up to six studies in a reading protocol. However, there is no limit to the amount of studies you can add to the Series Picker.
Remove comparison studies.
Click the Compare Off button to remove the comparison studies from the Viewer.
- Applicable thumbnails are removed from the Series Picker.
- Study icons assigned to the comparison studies remain associated with the study for the remainder of the session.
Working with Columns
In the Studylist, columns function similarly to the Worklist and PowerJacket:
- For a description of how to make changes to your columns via the right-click context menu, see Using the Column Header Context Menu.
- For a description of how to adjust column width, order, and sorting, see Setting Column Preferences.
- For a description of how to change which columns display, see Modifying Columns.