Active Overlays for MG

MG Active Overlay


Click MG CAD structured report to show or hide CAD findings. See Displaying MG CAD.

Click a square in the MG quadrant view interactive icon to zoom the image to the breast quadrant of choice. When you select a square within the interactive quadrant view icon that is already highlighted, the image returns to full anatomical display.

Click to toggle the image to 2D. Currently the image is in 3D mode.

Click to toggle the image to 3D. Currently the image is in 2D mode.

Scroll through the breast tomosynthesis images. See Using the Slider Bar.


Example: Density: d

Hover over the active overlay (yellow rectangle that displays a report indicator such as a d) and then click to open the breast density report.

If a breast density report is not available, the active overlay displays Density: ....

Implant Suppression off

Implant Suppression on

Toggles breast implant suppression on or off for the current image or all the current viewports.

See MG Series Settings for information on how to apply implant suppression to a study.

Note: This active overlay only displays when breast implants are present for 2D Mammography and MG Tomosynthesis images.

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Mammography Overview