Using Protocol Panel


In addition to using the Protocol Panel to view, draw, and manage protocol measurements, you can also use the Protocol Panel to display traces and points. You can perform protocol measurements and annotations for the current study on any viewport for a single or a multiframe series.

You can use the previous point of one measurement as the beginning point of the next measurement, if the Application Engineer configures the Protocol Panel for this feature. See your System Administrator for more information.


  • Advanced Reporting (AR) is installed.
  • You are launching the Protocol Panel from an AR study with a procedure configured with an analysis configuration.

About This Task

The Protocol Panel displays on the right side of your screen.

  • Protocol steps are performed inside an image in the Viewer.
  • The measurement cursor displays as a Cross Hair when you are in measurement mode in the Protocol Panel.
  • You can choose to skip a protocol step. For additional information, see Skip a protocol step.
  • For measurements and calculations that have secondary values, such as AV VTI, the secondary values auto-populate the Protocol Panel when you complete the primary measurement or calculation.


  1. From the Worklist page, select an AR study and either double-click or select Open Viewer from the context menu.
  2. Click Protocol Panel on the Viewer toolbar to open the Protocol Panel.
  3. Click a Protocol group in the Protocol Panel to display the protocol steps.
  4. Position the cursor in the image and draw the protocol measurement.
  5. Complete any of the following applicable steps.
  6. If you want to ...

    Complete these steps ...

    Change a protocol measurement value.

    In the image, do one of the following after exiting measurement mode by clicking ESC:

    • Click and drag the protocol measurement to another location.
    • Click and drag the measurement points to resize the measurement.
    • Click and drag the measurement to a new location in the current image.

    Results: Changes made in the Viewer are reflected in the Protocol Panel, the Results overlay, and in the Clinical Reporting Application.


    Manually enter a value in the Protocol Panel.

    • Click the measurement text box, enter a different value, and press Enter.

    Results: Changes made in the Viewer are reflected in the Protocol Panel and in the Clinical Reporting Application.

    Note: When you click in the measurement text box, Synapse displays the manually entered value.

    Change the highlight color.

    See Configuring Overlay Settings.

    Change images while a protocol measurement is active.

    Use any of the following:

    Delete a measurement in the Protocol Panel.

    See Deleting Measurements from Reports.

    Display or close the context menu.

    You can view the context menu in a list or icon format.

    • To display the context menu, right-click inside an image.
    • To close the context menu, press the Esc key.

    See Changing Context Menu View.

    Display or hide the Protocol Panel.

    • Click Protocol Panel on the Viewer toolbar once to display the Protocol Panel.
    • Click Protocol Panel again to hide it.

    Display or hide the protocol steps.

    • Click a protocol group in the Protocol Panel once to display the protocol steps.
    • Click it again to hide all protocol steps and display only the protocols group.

    Export Protocol measurements and Results overlay with image.

    See Exporting and Printing Images.

    Move the Protocol Panel outside of the image.

    Not supported.

    Perform fetal measurements.

    See Performing Fetal Measurements.

    Perform phased measurements.

    See Performing Phased Measurements.

    Reposition the Protocol Panel.

    Not supported.

    Show protocol measurement.

    Click Show Points to display all of the measurement points for the selected instance in the image.

    Skip a protocol step.

    • Click the next protocol step in Protocol Panel.


    • If a manual measurement is configured to skip, Synapse skips that measurement and the next measurement in the Protocol Panel becomes active.
    • If a manual measurement is configured not to skip, Synapse highlights the measurement and waits until you add a manual measurement.

    Terminate a measurement and leave measurement mode.

    • Press the Esc key once to terminate a measurement.

    Create multiple measurements for a protocol step.

    • If a Lock displays in a protocol step or you press the shortcut key L, you can take multiple measurements for that protocol step.
    • When you are finished taking measurements, either click the next protocol step or press the shortcut key L.

    View all measurement instances of a protocol step.

    Click Instance Selector to display all measurement instances for a protocol step.

    Synapse displays the following values when displaying instances:

    • LAST
    • AVG
    • MIN
    • MAX

    View a specific measurement instance of a protocol in the current image.

    • Click Instance Selector to display all measurement instances for a protocol step.
    • Click Show Points to display all of the measurement points for the selected instance in the image.


As you complete a protocol measurement, Synapse displays the measurement name, measurement value, and measurement unit in the Protocol Panel and in the Results overlay. Changes made in any viewport are reflected in the Protocol Panel, Results overlay, and Clinical Reporting Application.

Related Topics

Protocol Panel Overview

Results Overlay Overview