Worklist Features


Worklists are filtered selections of patients and their respective studies, collected from the Synapse database. Use the Worklist page to view and access studies.


The Worklist reopens to the same size and position it was in when you closed it.  




Worklists Pane

Displays the five default Worklists (All Patients, All Recent Studies, All Studies, All Reservations, and Unread Studies), any SWAT created Worklists configured for your site, the QBE (Query By Example) Worklists that you have created and saved, Global Worklists, My History, My Favorites, and your Collections folders.
See Creating and Using Collections Folders.

Click the twistie next to a Worklist header to expand or collapse the contents beneath it.

Worklist Item Count

With appropriate permissions, the Worklist displays the number of available studies. Two counts display: the first count displays the number of Unread Studies and second count displays the STAT priority studies in red.

  • Unread count and STAT counts that display in the Worklist pane update every 30 seconds or at the interval set by your System Administrator and on the top of the Worklist title bar.
  • The Reservation Worklist also displays the study count in the Worklist title bar.
  • Your accessible studies count displays for the following Worklists and any QBE Worklists based on them.
    • Unread Studies Worklist
    • Any custom Worklists or QBE Worklists created from the Unread Worklist


  • If the number of studies in the Unread Studies Worklist equals or exceeds 2,000 studies, study counts will not display. The "equals or exceeds" value is set by your System Administrator.

Worklist Title Bar

Displays the name of the selected Worklist, the View All Thumbnails icon, the Create a QBE Worklist icon, and a Refresh icon.

  • Unread count and STAT counts that display in the top of the Worklist title bar.
  • The Reservation Worklist also displays the study count in the Worklist title bar.

See Indicator Icons.

Simultaneously Display Primary and Secondary Worklists

To more efficiently monitor workflows while reading or reviewing studies, Synapse provides the option to view two separate Worklists simultaneously. With your primary Worklist already displaying, you can select a secondary Worklist to display at the same time.

Managing Multiple Worklists

Columns Names

Each default Worklist displays its own set of columns. Column names can only be modified by your PACS System Administrator.
See Setting Worklist Column Preferences.

Column Selection

The Worklist includes a large number of column options from which to select. Customize your Worklist columns to best meet your needs. See Modifying Columns.

Row Selection

Click a row to select the single row (study).

  • In the visible screen area, hold down the CTRL key and click to select individual multiple rows.
  • In the visible screen area, hold down the SHIFT key and click to select contiguous rows.

Context Menu

Right-click a study to access the context menu options.
See Using the Worklist Context Menu.

Refresh Time

Displays the time of the most recent system refresh.


Worklist Indicator Icons




Synapse Chat

Synapse Chat provides the ability for Synapse users to communicate with one another within the Synapse application.

Click the Synapse Chat icon from your preferred location in the Worklist, PowerJacket, or Viewer. See Synapse Chat Overview.

Resize Font

Use this feature to make the font smaller or larger without affecting your browser settings.

Click the Resize Font icon located in the top right of the Worklist page to adjust the font size of Worklist. See Worklist Overview .


The Snapshot icon indicates that the study contains saved display states. Right-click to display the context menu that lists the display states. Click to view or drag Snapshots into the Collections folder.  

Right-click to invoke the Snapshot context menu. Options include the ability to edit a Snapshot's name or delete from the study. All changes automatically synchronize in the Viewer.

Note that auto-saved Snapshots cannot be deleted.


The Reports icon indicates that the study includes a report.

  • Hover over the icon to view the Report Impression if one exists.
  • Click the icon to open PowerJacket Reports pane.
  • Shortcut key: ALT + R


The Notes icon indicates that the study includes notes.

  • Hover over the icon to see a list of up to 10 notes. Each line displays the note's author, the first 50 characters of text, and the creation time and date.
  • Click the icon to open PowerJacket Notes pane.
  • Shortcut key: ALT + N


The Documents icon indicates that the study includes documents.

  • Hover over the icon to see a list of up to 10 documents attached to the study.
  • Click the icon to open PowerJacket Documents pane.
  • Shortcut key: ALT+ U


The Reservations icon indicates that the study is reserved for a specific user.

  • Hover over the icon to see the name of the user who reserved the study.

View All Thumbnails

Click the View All Thumbnails icon to display the thumbnails for every study under each study row, so you can quickly determine whether you want to open the study to view more images and information. See Opening a Series in Series Viewer.

Additional Series Available

If more thumbnails exist than there are columns to display them, an indicator displays on the right side of the thumbnails preview indicating that additional series are available. Open the study to view additional series.

Save QBE Worklist

Click the Save the QBE Worklist icon when you want to create a (Query By Example) QBE Worklist.
See Creating a QBE Worklist.


Click the Refresh icon to manually refresh the contents of the Worklist page and view the most current information on your Worklist and in the Worklist pane.

  • The study and STAT counts update for the Unread Worklist, the Global Unread Worklist, All Reservations, Global All Reservations, and any QBE Worklists based on those Worklists.

Note: The contents of the Unread Studies folder refresh automatically at an interval set by your System Administrator.


The Collections folder icon displays next to your default My Collections folder and any other Collections folders you create.

Locked by you

This Lock icon displays for the studies in Preliminary or Complete status that are locked by the logged in user. It provides a quick, visual means of determining which of the locked studies are yours. Hover over the icon to display the user information for all users who currently have the study locked.

Note: Synapse removes the Lock icon is removed when you dictate (F8) or skip (F9) the study. Saving a report as Draft in Powerscribe does not remove Lock icon.

Locked by other users

The Worklist page displays the Lock (concurrency) icon to indicate that other users with dictation privileges currently have the study open. Hover over the icon to view a list containing the name of the user or users who have the study currently open and how long the study has been open.  

If another user with dictation privileges currently has the study open and you open it too, a concurrency warning displays the names of the other user or users who have the study open. You are prompted to click Open to open the study or click Cancel to not open the study.

AR Studies


  • When you attempt to save an annotation for a locked AR study, or another user has saved an annotation (for that study) since you loaded the AR study, a message displays stating that Synapse did not save the annotation.

  • If you have AR privileges and open a study with a locked report, the Concurrency Warning will display. If you do not have AR privileges and open a study with a locked report, the Concurrency Warning will NOT display.

The Worklist page displays the Lock (concurrency) icon to indicate a user with AR privileges currently has the report open. Hover over the icon to view the name of the user who has the report currently open and how long the report has been open.  

If you open a study with a locked report, a concurrency warning displays the name of the user who locked the report.

  • If you do not have AR privileges, the report is in view-only mode.
  • If you have AR privileges, the CRA does not open.

Dictation in progress

Displays in the Lock column when the study is being dictated by another user. Hover over the icon for user information.

Note: Synapse removes the Lock icon when you dictate (F8) or skip (F9) the study. Saving a report as Draft in Powerscribe does not remove Lock icon.

Dictation in progress by you

Displays in the Lock column when the study is being dictated by you. Hover over the icon for user information.


Displays next to the cached subscription folder so you can easily identify your subscribed Worklist. See Creating and Using Worklist Subscriptions.

AI Submitted

This icon displays when the study with AI findings is queued along with other AI findings; until the findings are processed, they are not yet available. Not shown in screen capture above.

AI In Progress

This icon displays as the AI engine processes the AI findings. Once the study is processed and the Worklist refreshes, the appropriate icon displays. Not shown in screen capture above.

AI Scan Complete

This icon displays when the AI scan is fully processed.

AI Failure / Rejected

This icon displays when the third-party AI vendor communicates a failed or rejected status to Synapse. Not shown in screen capture above.