Worklist Overview


Worklists are filtered selections of patients and their respective studies, collected from the Synapse database. Use the Worklist page to view and access studies. Unread Worklists refresh automatically using a refresh interval configured by your System Administrator.  

The Synapse Worklist types include:



Refresh Rate: Your site might create complex Worklists (also called folders) for data mining purposes, based on the All Studies Worklist. Those Worklists should NOT be used by radiologists, clinicians, and other medical professional workflows, but can be visible to them. Such Worklists should be set up without a refresh rate. Frequent refreshes on complex Worklists can impact overall system performance. See your System Administrator for more information.

Setting Your Worklist Panel View

You can set the Worklists panel to display any of your Worklists and Collections in expanded or collapsed view. Synapse automatically saves your display options so that when you refresh the Worklist or close your session, the Worklist panel display remains the same until you choose to change it.

Set the Worklist Grid Font Size

Use the Resize Font icon located in the top right of the Worklist page to adjust the font size of the Worklist grid. Use this feature to make the font smaller or larger without affecting your browser settings.

  1. Click Resize Font to display the Adjust Font Size control.
  2. Click the minus sign (-) to reduce the font size in 25% increments.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) to increase the font size in 25% increments.
  4. Click Close when you are satisfied with the display.


  • The font size changes will display across all of the monitors at your workstation and will persist until you modify the font size again.
  • You can set various, preferred font sizes on multiple workstations.
  • Font sizes will persist even after you log out and regardless of your log in method.

System Worklists

System Worklists include the following default Worklists. They are configured and activated in SWAT and are available to all Synapse users.

  • My History: studies that you have recently opened or viewed.
    • The most recently opened or viewed studies display at the top of the list.
    • The date and time when the study was last opened or viewed displays.
    • The number of days a study displays in My History is configured per site in SWAT.
    • You cannot duplicate the My History Worklist.
    • Automatic workflow (F8, F9, F12) functionality cannot be used in the My History Worklist.

My Favorites: Add the Worklists and Collections folders you use most often into one area for easy access.

  • The Globe displays in the My Favorites Worklists to help you quickly distinguish between Global and local Worklists of the same name.  
    • All Patients: all patients who have or will have a study performed.
    • All Studies: all studies in Synapse.
    • Unread Studies: all studies in Completed status.
  • When you open the Unread Studies Worklist, in most cases, the full list of unread studies displays.

For each Worklist, if more than 2,000 studies are available, you must perform a QBE search to refine the list of results.

Upon opening All Patients and All Studies, the following prompt displays: Please filter for results. Use the QBE (Query By Example) fields to search and view a list of results.

All Reservations: unread studies that have been reserved for specific users.


Additional Worklists can be added by your System Administrator.

Global Worklists

Global Worklists provide access to patients and studies across datasources (locations), giving you the ability to view studies from multiple locations within one Worklist.

  • Data sources are configured in SWAT by your System Administrator.
  • By default, all of the datasources are selected for each Global Worklist.
  • You can clear any or all of the datasources except your home datasource. Selections persist until you change the datasources options again.

Five Global Worklists are available:

  • All Patients
  • All Recent studies
  • All Studies
  • Unread Studies
  • All Reservations


Modifications you make to the available datasources for Global Worklists affect the datasources used for COMMONVIEW.


QBE Worklists

You can create QBE Worklists to provide Worklists that contain pre-filled Worklist filters for quick reference. The QBE Worklist you create:

  • Is nested under the parent Worklist in the Worklist pane. For example, if you are working in the All Studies Worklist when you create a new QBE Worklist, the newly created QBE Worklist displays under All Studies
  • Inherits the same columns as the parent Worklist, but allows you to rearrange columns, sort columns, and adjust column widths, then auto-saves those settings. See Setting Column Preferences
  • Is only visible to you
  • Can be edited, renamed, and deleted.
  • Cannot be nested under another QBE Worklist.
  • QBE Worklists can be created from Global Worklists. However, any changes the user makes to the datasources of the parent Worklist are enforced in the QBE Worklist.

Collections Folders

You can create Collections folders to provide a location in which to group Snapshots or specific studies. You can also share any of the Collections folders you create, making them public and giving access to other users.

Examples of collections are: teaching files, legal cases, conference studies, or even studies that require additional follow-up. The study itself remains in the Worklist from which you moved it. When you remove items from a Collections folder or delete an entire Collections folder, the original contents are still available in the All Studies Worklist. The Collections folder that you create:

  • Is only visible to you.
  • Can be renamed and deleted.


You can move items between Collections folders.

Related Topics

Creating a QBE Worklist

Using the Study Date Time Field

Using Advanced QBE

Creating and Using Collections Folders

Using Global Worklists

Keyboard Shortcuts for Worklist Functions

Using Anywhere Series Picker in the Worklist

Draft Status Handling for PowerScribe Users

Opening a Series in Series Viewer

Opening a Study from the Worklist or PowerJacket

Viewing Report Impressions

Creating Your Default Worklist View