Reading Protocol Overview


A reading protocol (RP) is a set of instructions that describe how Synapse displays a study. You can change these instructions using the Reading Protocol Editor, adding new DICOM RP rules from the Viewer, or by updating a dynamic reading protocol setting.

Reading protocols can have multiple steps. Once a step has been viewed, a check mark will display next to the RP Step name. Check marks persist when you switch to a different RP, and then back, during the same study session. Check marks only persist in a snapshot for the user who created them.


You cannot add a non-DICOM image to a reading protocol.

A reading protocol controls the following:

  • The display format and sequence of images and series within studies on Synapse workstations. This includes comparison and prior studies.
  • The presets used for initial display.

Reading Protocol Types

Synapse includes the following types of reading protocols:

  • Factory reading protocols
    • Everyone can see and use these reading protocols.
    • No one can delete factory reading protocols.
    • A user with the appropriate privilege can create and delete system reading protocols.
  • Dynamic reading protocols
    • Everyone can see and use dynamic reading protocols.
    • No one can delete dynamic reading protocols.
    • A user can update their dynamic reading protocol settings.
  • System reading protocols
    • Everyone can see and use these reading protocols.
    • A user with the appropriate privilege can create and delete system reading protocols.
  • User reading protocols
    • Only the user who created the reading protocol can use or delete the reading protocol.
    • A user with the appropriate privilege can create and delete system reading protocols.

Reading Protocol Rule Cards

A reading protocol rule card might contain property rules. Hover over the rule card title to view a tooltip with all of the defined properties.


  • If a reading protocol has multiple Series Contains rules and was created using version 4.x or 5.x, beginning with version 7.1, Synapse will create multiple reading protocol rule cards for each Series Contains rule for a given viewport.
    • Each of the new rule cards will use the same properties as the original, except for the Series Contains rule.
    • A maximum of six rule cards can be displayed in the Reading Protocol Editor. However, if a reading protocol from a prior version had more than six Series Contains rules, Synapse will display the first six and honor the remaining items.
  • Although Synapse 7.1 supports editing reading protocols from prior releases that have multiple Series Contain rules, you can only create a single Series Contain rule per rule card when building a DICOM property reading protocol.

Reading Protocol Selection Process

Synapse automatically selects a reading protocol based on the following:

  • RP type
  • Modality type
  • Procedure code
  • DICOM header information
  • Series description and number of series for the series match protocols
  • Stacking identifier for MG stacking
  • Number of studies
  • Number of monitors as configured in User Settings

If any of this information is incorrect, the expected protocol might not be used. Synapse provides mixed-modality reading protocols for all supported modalities such as PT and CT.


  • If the modality type, procedure code, or views (for MG) are incorrect, the expected protocol might not be used.
  • Reading protocols and procedure codes must be on the home datasource for reading protocol matching.

Synapse assigns each viewport with the best series match based on Series Contains and Series Does Not Contain rules in an RP step across all monitors.

  • If multiple words are used in the Series Contains field, they are treated as an AND operation. Synapse matches the content in that field and displays the best matching series. For example, if Ax T1 is entered in the Series Contains field, only series with Ax and T1 will display in the viewport.
  • If multiple words are used in the Series Does Not Contain field, they are treated as an AND operation. Synapse ensures there is no match for all items listed in this field. For example, if Ax T1 is entered in the Series Does Not Contain field, the viewport does not display any series having both Ax and T1.

Synapse displays a message in a blank viewport if the DICOM properties do not match indicating there is no matching series. See Missing Series Overview.

Factory Reading Protocols

Synapse includes factory reading protocols with your workstation. If a study does not meet any of the criteria of the factory reading protocols, Synapse uses a dynamic reading protocol to display the study.

Synapse stores factory reading protocols in the Synapse database.

Reading Protocol Configurations

Configuring the Loop Reading Protocol Steps Setting

Near Match Selection Overview

Configuring MG Near Match

Configuring Auto Compare

Configuring Your Browser for Reading Protocol Export

Related Topics

Creating Additional DICOM RP Rule Cards

Reading Protocol Management Options

Selecting a Different Reading Protocol

Reading Protocol Videos

Automatic RP Step Creation

Page Layout Overview

Tile Format and Upcount Overview

Keyboard Shortcuts for Reading Protocols